Viva Arquitectura | Portfolio Categories Diseño ambiental
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VIVA joined the Achuar effort to renovate the lodge with a minimum environmental impact, providing assistance to the community in the re-design and re-construction of private rooms, public spaces and shared infrastructure using reclaimed building materials, and optimizing resources. ...

Naku is an indigenous organization created by the Sapara people of the Ecuadorian Amazon that serves to protect, preserve, and share the ancient wisdom of the Sapara....

Zattere is a mixed-use high-rise project located in the city of Quito. The project includes apartments and office spaces in one L shaped tower, with two foyers/lobbies and circulation cores.  The location of the offices and apartments are due to the orientation of the building...

EOLIA combines environmental awareness with functional timeless architecture.  Built with raw and local materials, with local climatic conditions and surroundings as main design principle, EOLIA creates unique spaces and possibilities. ...

With this project we want to demonstrate that adequate environmental design can provide the best living conditions in the minimum space possible for a family and with the lowest impact possible. ...

Through the use of wind energy, use of natural lighting and ventilation which avoids the use of air conditioning and artificial lights, the building achieved zero emissions and is a carbon neutral building....

The purpose of Fundación Granito de Arena and VIVA was to provide the community with a space that would allow for the community to preserve their ecosystem, to learn about the species that rely on the mangroves for their survival and to make others aware...

Set in a renovated, turn-of-the-century building, Carlota has been transformed seamlessly from a private residence to a gathering point for local creatives. ...